Saturday, May 23, 2015

Upgrading to a Pro Vaping Experience (Part One - Battery)

Welcome to the New Era of Vaping

Eleaf iStick 50 Vaping Batteries (mods)

The previous entries in this blog have dealt with vaping products mostly designed to just adequately replace the nicotine consumed in normal smoking and keep you from suffering nicotine withdrawal to an extent you won't return to smoking.  If any of those devices provide anything of a satisfactory replacement to a true smoking experience it is purely coincidental.   I have found the draw restrictive on all of the low wattage options available in the cigalike class. The lower-capacity batteries and restrictive airflows in that line-up are best for 'sipping' at the vape, not full out "lung hits" as they are referred to in the vape community.
It's a new era in vaping and "eras" in vaping last about three months at the iterative pace of this industry (which I must say is unlike anything I have witnessed in the line of commercial electronic products in the entirety of my life).

Me and Bandit Couch Vaping
I used to think the cloud chasers were just trying to be obnoxious and extroverted in their habits.  Some of them probably are, but a great percentage are power vaping for FLAVOR.  The flavor of vape juice is enhanced several fold with the proper battery and tank selection. There will always be a 'my dick is bigger than yours" aspect to some of the mods (and vapers) but it is more of a fetish than an alternative to smoking.  Why I'd want to be seen in public looking like I'm gobbling down a giant dildo is still a mystery to me!

Indoor Smokers.  Great vape reviews.
It wasn't that long ago that such large equipment was the only vaping alternative to the lower power and poorer quality replacements to smoking.  Those days ended a few months ago when Eleaf started dumping the best line of compact vape mods into the market that anybody can remember since forever.  There are alternative competitors to Eleaf and some of the options are just as attractive as the iStick line depending on your personal preference and vaping needs.  Basically any mod that runs thirty watts or more with a capacity to run a sub-ohm tank at half an ohm is going to handle 99.9% of the vaping communities needs at this point.  Size, style, reputation and battery life variations should be considered when making your selection.
The Ego-One (bottom) is sold as a kit and it's quite popular (and small)

Cylindrical styled batteries such as the Ego One and Aspire SubOhm battery are competing for market share, as are other small 'box' style mods like the iStick30 and iStick50 (top of post).  Other small box mods of note include the Kanger Kbox, The iTaste MVP3 and the Aspire ESP30.  The Kanger KBOX requires the purchase of separate high capacity batteries and charger.  All the others will charge directly off a USB port like your cell phone.

In the 'old' days (a few months there were no high capacity quality tanks that could produce the type of vape experienced today and any attempt to get a good quality vape required a mechanical mod  (batteries with no regulation) and rebuildable drip tanks (atomizers that required hand building coils and constant dripping of juice).  I'm looking to upgrade to a tank myself to get away from the constant dripping/refilling every several hits.  I like the idea of building my own coils because it saves money and you can now get tanks that allow you to rebuild your own coils, thereby saving four or five bucks a week in factory atomizer replacement coils.

Dual Coil build on the head of an RDA (Rebuildable Drip Atomizer)

In the next entry I'll examine and highlight the best of the new high output atomizers with tanks.
